When I was a little girl I spent many happy hours
daydreaming about the house I would one day build. The house was inspired by the books I read
and the films I saw. The house was to have one hundred rooms and extensive gardens.
Each room was to be decorated in a different style with a room of costumes to
enter. There were many cocktail rooms throughout the house—a Jetsons style
space-age room, including swing chairs, a French bistro bar, a Polynesian tiki
room, etc. The bedrooms would range from Zen simplicity to Victorian bordello
style and everything in between. The sitting room and parlors scattered
throughout the house would boast every style imaginable—Moroccan, Balinese,
Louis XIV, Deco, Craftsman, Gothic, etc. etc. But the bathrooms were where I
could really have fun. One shower would be spiral shaped with dolphin jets all
around. Statues with outstretched arms would line the walls to hang the towels.
Another had a ruby glass tub beneath a ruby glass chandelier. Somebathrooms had
double tubs so that one could socialize while one bathed. The gardens—well, you
get the idea. A rose garden, a tropical garden, an English Country . . .
Years later I had a home furnishing company housed in a huge
downtown warehouse. The showroom was over 10,000 square feet with lots of nooks
and crannies. I could put my dream to work on a smaller scale, decorating each
area in a different theme.
The company closed down a couple of years ago. Since then, I
have been decorating other people’s spaces. Because this is a relatively new
career change for me, I haven’t yet had the opportunity to accomplish all the
styles that are rolling around in my head. Therefore, as I put together this
site, I am including not only my own work, but also work I admire. When I can
give the name of the particular designer I do so. When not, I will simply label
it “inspiration”
If you want a style that I have already done, I will be
happy. But if you present me with a new challenge, I will be even happier. I
am confident that you also will be happy with the result.